Capability Kids Helps Children and Their Families

Being a new parent is filled with worries. It can be scary and isolating. So many anxious thoughts go through your mind, especially when it comes to developmental milestones.

“My kid is not speaking on time!”
“My baby is not rolling over!”
“My toddler has difficulty walking!”
“My kid has trouble speaking!”

This is stressful. You also don’t need the added worry as to whether you’ll be able to get your children the services they need.

If your child isn’t reaching his or her developmental milestones or has been diagnosed with a disability, you’re not alone. You can get the support, treatment, and therapy your child requires.

At Capability Kids, we help children with both physical and intellectual developmental delays and disabilities achieve milestones and prepare for their journey into the educational system.

How Capability Kids Helps

Early Intervention

Capability Kids is the largest nonprofit provider of early intervention services (EI) in Nevada. EI is a system of coordinated services that offers specialized education and helps families access teachers and licensed therapists (speech, physical, occupational, and feeding) for children from birth to three years of age.

We work with the school districts in Clark and Washoe Counties to help identify children with disabilities and provide options for their families, providing evaluation and therapeutic services for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Once identified, the child is evaluated to determine if they need early intervention services.

Telehealth is available upon request.

If you would like to have your child evaluated for services please click the button below.

Capability Kids Clinic

At the Capability Kids Clinic, we provide rehabilitative therapies to help each child reach developmental milestones and academic goals from Birth through high school. We offer speech, physical, occupational (behavioral), and feeding therapies. Spanish speaking therapists and Telehealth visits are also available.
Capability Kids conducts over 3,500 visits per year for children requiring special education and therapy services. Over the past five years, we have increased the number of children served by over 35%.

We are here to get you the assistance and support you need. Please click the button below to inquire about an initial appointment. I will submit a ticket for the new page.

The First Years of a Child’s Life Lay an Important Foundation

There is increasing recognition that the first few years of a child’s life are a particularly sensitive period in the development process. These years lay the foundation for cognitive function, physical health, and behavioral, social, and self-regulatory capacities.

Capability Kids provides support, therapy, and treatment for families who have children with developmental delays and children with disabilities.

Targeted intervention during early childhood has been scientifically proven to provide
significant benefits in:

Cognition and academic achievement


Behavioral and emotional competencies

Delinquency and crime

Educational progression and attainment

Social welfare program use

Child maltreatment

Labor market success

Learn more about how we can help you and your family access the interventions and therapies needed to build a strong foundation for your child. Contact us today to speak with a member of our supportive team.

Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy

Capability Kids serves a diverse, underserved population of children and families in Nevada.

Without Capability Kids, thousands of families and children would not have access to life-changing
services. No family should be left unsupported to navigate a complicated, overburdened system to find resources to support their disabled child.

We’re here to help you. Our pediatric therapies include:

Speech therapy

•Treatment, strategies, and intervention to help your child communicate effectively and reach age-appropriate developmental levels for speech and feeding skills.

• Direct and indirect evaluation and treatment of language, speech sound, and even feeding delays and disorders provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist.

Physical therapy

• Helps set up your child for success in gross motor and self-care activities and keep up with their peers in mobility, balance, and
coordination skills.

• Expert clinical opinion and evidence-based practices to help with delays in gross motor development provided by a licensed
physical therapist.

Occupational therapy

• Our pediatric occupational therapists provide evaluation, intervention, and consultation to help children increase their independence and quality of life by focusing on self-help and fine motor skills.

We offer therapies throughout the day and into the evening to accommodate busy schedules. Our in-home therapies are available throughout Nevada and at the Capability Kids Clinic
located in Las Vegas. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to access the intervention
services and therapies your children need.

Trust Capability Kids

Whether your child needs speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or other special education and rehabilitation services, you can trust us to help you access what you need.

Capability Kids is the only local nonprofit organization offering multiple therapies in one location.
Children thrive on consistent and reliable relationships. We provide sustainable, long-term assistance and care, helping children progress toward a brighter future.

Our services include:

Our therapists work one-on-one with you and your child to evaluate needs and create a care plan catering to those specific needs. This ensures your child develops the skills necessary to achieve his or her goals.

If you wish to schedule an evaluation for your child or if you have any questions about Capability Kids or the therapies we offer, please contact us today.

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