Annie - Parent Testimonial

When we 1st arrived at Capability health Annabelle was 15 months, she wouldn’t walk or sit up, I couldn’t feed her, she had no way of communicating with me. It was a very difficult time in our lives, I felt extremely useless and lost. We got accepted into the program, I still didn’t know if it would help, but it did

Annie, Abby my other child, and I loved all the hands-on help when the therapists would come over. It wasn’t just me helping my daughter out, now it was a team, and they would see what I would see and that was that she needed help. 

As time went on and we kept seeing the therapists within the program, Annie started walking, talking, eating, and our lives just got a little better. I am truly thankful for everything that Capability has done for us, for all the different ideas, and the support they have given us. Even when the pandemic started and telehealth was new to us, they were there and ready with lots of ideas. We are actually sad that at the age of 3 we have to move on to a different route of care, but with the teams help, I now feel more confident that we are on a good track.

Thank you Capability for all the knowledge and strengths the team has provided. 


This testimonial was provided by Annie’s mom, Angie.


Abel - Parent Testimonial


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